Thursday, May 9, 2013

My New Hairdo

A few months after Savannah was born, I entertained cutting my hair off.  I was super busy with the kids and only found time to comb my hair maybe twice a week.  Sunday for sure because I was going to church and another day because I was tired of looking a mess.  Or, because I had somewhere important to be.  

Over the past year I have only combed my hair on Sundays.  Why?  I'm too busy or too tired to deal with it.  I have to wash it.  Blow dry it. Flat iron it.  Then style it.  To flat iron it took thirty to forty minutes...easy.  So I spoke to Jeremiah and he encouraged me to cut my hair.  But I would chicken out and get it relaxed or my hair stylist would talk me out of it.  

After having another conversation with Jeremiah, my mom, and my sister, I strongly considered cutting my hair.  I was in limbo...again.  Then last Thursday happened.  I looked into the mirror and was not pleased with myself.  I looked a mess.  I barely recognized myself and wondered "where the heck is Gwendolynette?!"  I was tired of not combing my hair.  Day after day I was tired of looking at my two inch ponytail.  I wanted something easy and low maintenance.  With my very full plate, now I'm worried about my hair?!  Ain't nobody got time for that!  With Savannah in tow, I headed to Great Clips and by all means my hair was getting cut.

Here's the aftermath.  Surprisingly, when the first snip happened I didn't flinch or have any regrets.  To be honest, it was a huge relief.  That's when I knew that I made the right decision.  That young lady spent over twenty five minutes trying to talk me into wearing extensions or a weave before she started cutting.  She failed and I made her cut my hair anyway.

TA-DA!!!  I asked my dad and my brother for their barber's name and number so that he could shape and edge my hair like only a barber can.  He hooked me up and I love it!

I get up in the mornings and it takes me five minutes to do my hair.  I use a little oil, brush it, and I'm ready to go.  I should have done this years ago!  My biggest relief was when I looked at my head afterwards and discovered that it didn't have a wonky shape.  I had no idea what was underneath all of that hair but I'm glad it worked out :o)

As I start this new chapter in my life, I must say farewell to my flat iron and blow dryer.  We've had some good, bad, and frustrating times.  You've been good to me over the years but I just don't have time for you anymore.  I needed a hairstyle that was low maintenance so that I can focus on other things and feel good about myself while doing them.  I've been able to sleep in a little bit longer.  I wash my hair in about five minutes and spend another three minutes putting in the leave in conditioner.  That's it and I'm done.  It's been a great run and I'll always remember you and love you.

This entire experience was not just about cutting my hair.  It was also about gaining some time in my life.  Particularly, a little more sleep and time with the family.  I'm so glad that Jeremiah is loving my new hair, too.  So far the change has been good and I've been getting rave reviews.  Is it bold?  Absolutely.  Anything less would be inferior for Gwendolynette :o)


Jalei & Lane said...

It looks great! I can't believe it took you 45 minutes to flat iron your hair! I was thinking it would only maybe take 10 minutes because it was already short. Crazy.

Regina said...

It looks great! You need some big ole earrings now and you will be set! I think those look awesome with sort hair like yours. :)

Jami said...

I thought it looked shorter across the chapel this morning. It looks cute.

Andrea said...

You look beautiful.

Nicole said...

Only YOU could pull this off. Im amazed. You rock it! GO mama!

Stela Dimitrov said...

There's nothing wrong with shaving it all off. I think you look great! And the fact that you've got more time on your hands for more important things is definitely a plus! -Stela @ Pure Salon and Spa