Monday, October 28, 2013

Man Cave Gone Wrong

Five girls in the house and Jeremiah feels that he needs a quiet spot.  Usually, he would go and sit in the Porsche for a few minutes.  But now, we know where to find him.  Since we have plenty of attic space, he has decided to convert a portion of the attic into his man cave.  Last weekend he was in the attic messing around and the sub floor broke.  Before he could get off the sub floor the drywall broke.  I heard the noise but didn't think much of it because he always make noise when he's in the garage.  Granted, it was louder that normal but whatever.  

When he came inside, he told me had good news and bad news.  I always choose to hear the bad news first because the good news softens the blow.  The bad news was that there was a hole in the ceiling.  I immediately ran to the garage and saw this.

I know it's the garage but I don't care.  I don't want a hole in ANY of my ceilings.  Especially, in a house that we've only been in for six months!

The house came with a tank water heater but we removed it just before Sophia Lynette came home.  When we moved, Jeremiah wanted to bring the tankless water heater from the old house.  In order to get to the man cave, the tankless is going to have to be moved upstairs.  Why?  He needs this space for the stairs to his man cave.  Now he has to move the heater again.  In case you're wondering, he hasn't set himself on fire again...yet.

1 comment:

Jalei & Lane said...

That sucks, but we beat you. We have only lived in our house 3 month before we put a hole in the LIVING ROOM ceiling. Right where everyone can admire it:)